Phantom Stock – A smart way of Employee Benefits

Phantom stock is a very interesting concept and is emerging strongly as a powerful tool of Employee Benefits, especially for Startups. It can be described as a type of employee benefit plan whereby employees or advisors of an Organization get various benefits of stock ownership without actually having real ownership of Stock, in exchange for their services. Continue reading “Phantom Stock – A smart way of Employee Benefits”

Modes of Funding/Capital Infusion for Startups

A successful business requires investment of time, effort and MONEY for its long term growth and prosperity.  Infusion of funds is an essential pre-requirement, especially for Startups if they want to scale up and make their brand popular and visible.

Innovative and promising Startups or businesses always attract enterprising investors who are ready to stake their money and a get a good return out of the same. The difficult part arrives when the decision on the mode of funding has to be evaluated. Continue reading “Modes of Funding/Capital Infusion for Startups”