Valuation of a Company – Discounted Cash Flow Method

How to derive valuation of your company or startup after detailed analysis and projections? How do investors determine which stock to put their money on?

When it comes to determining the absolute value of a company, discounted cash flow (DCF) gives you the answer. In simple terms, DCF tries to work out the present-day value of a company, based on future projections of cash available to the investors. Continue reading “Valuation of a Company – Discounted Cash Flow Method”

Top Startup Investors in India

For a start-up in its growth stage, the next most important requirement is undoubtedly a backing by reliable Startup investors and an ample amount of funding to scale up. This investment can be provided by individuals, entrepreneurs or organizations with the motive of profits.

Startup Investors provide funds to those start-ups which are socially and economically viable, have the capacity to scale up and are backed by a good team. These perspectives may vary from investor to investor. Continue reading “Top Startup Investors in India”

What Investors look for in a Startup?

Early funding option for startups can usually be limited. Though there are ways like bootstrapping, crowdfunding or receiving help from family members and friends, startups need angel investors or VCs to scale up fast. Investors want to become the primary backers of the next game-changing venture. There are many things that investors look for in a prospective investee. The merits of an idea, market need and size, vision for execution of these ideas, are just some of these. These aspects should definitely be in your pitch deck! Continue reading “What Investors look for in a Startup?”